This page is dedicated to upgrades for current COM Conformity Check users. Click on the links below to download the latest version of the software and manual.

To install and run the software first unzip the contents of the downloaded Zip file to a folder on your computer, navigate to the new folder and run the COMConformityCheck.exe file.

Description Version Posted Date
 Software none none
        COM Conformity Check Software - (ZIP: 2.5M) 2.7 September 16th, 2021
 Manuals (PDF) none none
       COM Conformity Check Manual - (PDF: 1.1M)



Click on the link above to view a course description for each class offered and to request a training class.


Thank you to everyone who renewed their annual Wavewin maintenance license for 2023. Use the link above to upgrade your Wavewin software, or to view a list of the latest additions and changes.


Information on the 2023 User Group Meeting will be posted shortly.